
BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Display
Design - Head - Layout
Design - Head - Color
Sub-Menu - Display - Design

Isabel Machado


© Foto: Christine Reeh
Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: mod_text / GPC_ID: 3207
flex-row-9-3 reverse

In understanding the images as what is between the real world and our perception, »A TRAVEL INTO THE WORLD OF IMAGES« is an experimental film that will take us from the concrete to the abstract reality, shaping a new world where we question ourselves about the way we see it. We consider that the cinematographic image is intrinsically constituted by documental and fictional representations in a binding way, even if they can’t be randomly confused. Reality and fiction are, in film, the verse and reverse of the same phenomenon: both are reciprocally defined in process as each other's complement but also as the limit of each other’s negation. Both turn around the same center, not as each other’s gravitational weight but as each other’s potency and act. Images in movement, on eternal deviation from frame to frame, establish – in their flux and in their relationship with us – proposals of continuity and deduction as well as disruption and intuition. This film-essay will interweave shapes with words that will lead to a metamorphosis of the real. What do we see? What is to see? This process comes from a philosophical conception of cinema as a dynamic audiovisual form of reality and from an ontological assumption of the human as a being in time. The editing process allows on the one hand analogies and metamorphoses and on the other hand the mix of different expression regimes that become potentially a way of thinking.

Isabel Machado was born in Lisbon in 1974. Since 2002 she works as producer of films and artistic projects at C.R.I.M. where she is responsible for the development, production and distribution of both documentary and fiction films, as well as of visual arts projects. She has a degree in Communication Design from the Lisbon University. Studied Visual Arts at Maumaus School of Photography and Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art at the Lisbon University. Finalist of the workshops in development and production of films EAVE 2005 and documentaries EURODOC 2008, she is currently developing her PhD on Arts (Performing and Moving Image Arts) at the Lisbon University. She is also a lecturer at Portuguese Film School ESTC and President of Apordoc - Portuguese Documentary Association.


ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

