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OPEN! Round Table

Digital Transformation of Art and Culture

Thu, October 08, 2020 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm CEST

© MFG Baden-Württemberg
Lecture Hall

Museums in the Digital Age and What Open Source Can Do for Cultural Institutions

Museums and cultural institutions allow us to take a reflected look at history and the present in the many facets of our culture. Digital possibilities open doors to new worlds. Art and culture are common property and so the technical implementation of cultural transfer should also serve the general public. Open source solutions provide an answer to this requirement. They are the technological key to supporting museums and cultural institutions in a future-proof and sustainable way. This area and its possibilities will be explored in the OPEN! Round Table with a keynote lecture and examples from practice. The focus of the event is on open source-based solutions and their potential. What support do museums and cultural institutions receive in this respect? And what is the difference to proprietary software?

The OPEN! Round Tables continue the successful OPEN! conferences for digital innovation and are organized by the Open Source Business Alliance and MFG Baden-Württemberg. The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg supports the events.


Keynote lecture | OSB Alliance - Federal Association for Digital Sovereignty | Roland Haidl
Tough times - Corona forces us to maintain social distance and drastic changes in our traditional behaviors

What consequences does this have for the future of education and culture?
What do keywords such as "new virtual formats" mean?
Where does the digital change in culture and education have an effect?
What should we know about the origin of the software that forms the basis of this digital transformation?
The introductory statement is an attempt to provide a comparative sounding board and position-finding on the current state of affairs.

Best Practice | ZKM Center for Art and Media | Margit Rosen and Daniel Heiss
Live long and prosper. Open source tools in chat bot development

As part of the MFG funding program Digital Paths to Museum II, ZKM is developing a chatbot for the website and mobile devices. Project manager Margit Rosen and software developer Daniel Heiss explain why ZKM chose the open source machine learning framework RASA for the project "As We May Speak" instead of systems like Google's Dialogflow or Microsoft Tools.

Best Practice | TECHNOSEUM Mannheim | Dr. Stefan Mattern
Paths to the Cloud - Museums and the challenges of a paradigm shift in IT

As IT coordinator of the TECHNOSEUM in Mannheim, Dr. Stefan Mattern will report on his almost 30 years of experience in digitization at the TECHNOSEUM and provide impulses for a joint solution to the digital challenges in museums. Open source offerings, which combine specialized administrative processes on a common cloud platform with tools for communication and collaboration, can also play an important role in this context.

Best Practice | Publicplan GmbH | Dr. Christian Knebel
In his Best Practice, managing director Dr. Christian Knebel presents successfully implemented digital projects in museums and cultural institutions and gives examples of open source solutions that can be used in museums and cultural institutions beyond that.

Interested participants also have the opportunity to take a guided tour of the ZKM from 4.30–5.30 pm in the run-up to the event.

Target group
Decision-makers and digitalization managers from museums and cultural institutions, as well as experts and interested parties from the field of open source software

Organizing Organization / Institution

Open Source Business Alliance e.V. and MFG Baden-Württemberg
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

