BS DC Import ID
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GLOBALE: Tangible Sound

Thu, September 24 – Sun, September 27, 2015

Ludger Brümmer
Within the four-day »Tangible Sound« festival at the ZKM, the results of the EU project »European Art Science and Technology Network« (EASTN) will be presented as part of a symposium, in concerts, presentations and installations. The focus will be on subjects such as augmented reality, animation and multi-sensory arts.

As a high point a sound installation will be presented by the ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics (IMA) in collaboration with the International Ensemble Modern Academy (IEMA). Musicians and dancers position themselves in the ZKM atria and can be freely selected by the public. Each visitor possesses a Smartphone or a Tablet, with the help of which they are able to perceive specific sounds via headphones which merge with those sounds in the space. To this end, visual, physical models can be triggered on specifically predetermined sites so that a new space-sound experience emerges with various virtual levels.

With the »Virtual Sound Gallery«, an audible and accessible museum of sound will also be presented for the first time, which positions sounds and music in the architecture of a building. After the festival, this new development of the IMA can be seen at the ZKM_Atrium 8 + 9 until April 2016 with new sound content.
The theme of »Tangibility« offers the basis for the symposium that is taking place on Saturday and Sunday. Nowadays, new interfaces play an increasing role. The development of methods, which can make algorithms, simulations and other mathematical processes perceptible and tangible and bring them to life, is essential here. The latest results, which the FabLab Barcelona, ACROE in Grenoble and the universities of Cardiff and Corfu are obtaining in this field, will be presented at the symposium.
Between Friday and Sunday, visitors can also discover exciting installations by our project partners, which illustrate the themes of the symposium and make these tangible on-site. A highlight of the symposium will be the »The machine to be another« performance by the BeAnotherLab collective, which can be seen on both Saturday and Sunday following the lecture program.
The transmedia »LOST« project by Jagoda Szmytka, realised in cooperation with the Warsaw Autumn festival of contemporary music, can be found being exhibited and performed in the media theatre, together with a live transmission from Warsaw. Furthermore, on Friday and Saturday, the International Ensemble Modern Academy will be presenting new productions from a young generation of composers, such as Sergej Maingardt and Jacques Zafra, together with works by established composers such as Pierre Boulez, York Höller and Emmanuel Nunes.
The concert on Sunday will close the festival. Works, commissioned as part of the »European Art Science and Technology Network« for the Sound Dome, will be premiered here.

Festival Program

Thurs, 24.09.
ZKM_Lecture Hall 7 pm Introduction to the accessible concert Installation »Tangible Sound« (8 pm) by the composers
ZKM_Foyer 8 pm
10/7 €
Tangible Sound
accessible concert Installation with Augmented Reality,
15 Instruments and electronics
with works by Ludger Brümmer, Luc Döbereiner, Luca Danieli, Constantin Popp, Hanns Holger Rutz and David Pirrò
Fri–Sun, 25.–27.09.    
ZKM_Foyer 10 am–8 pm
Admission free
by Anastasia Pistofidou, Tania Tsiridou, Panos Pandis and others
ZKM | Museums   Virtual Sound Gallery
Fri, 25.09.    
ZKM_Media Theater 7 pm
10/7 €
Jagoda Szmytka. »LOST – Extension / Reality«
Transmedia Music theater in cooperation with Warsaw Autumn
ZKM_Cube 8:30 pm
10/7 €
Concert I of the International Ensemble Modern Acadamy (IEMA)
with works by Emmanuel Nunes, Günter Steinke, York Höller, Ivan Fedele and Dieter Mack
Sat–Sun, 26.–27.09.    
ZKM_Lecture Hall 10 am
Admission free
Symposium on the theme Augmented Reality
with lectures by Annie Luciani, Anastasia Pistofidou, Claude Cadoz, Iannis Zannos und Jérôme Villeneuve (Lecture language: English)
Sat, 26.09.    
ZKM_Music Balcony
7 pm
10/7 €
Concert II of the International Ensemble Modern Acadamy (IEMA)
with works by Mauricio Kagel, Sergej Maingardt, Jacques Zafra, Sascha Janko Dragicevic and Pierre Boulez
  followed by Pjotrek – Techno in 33
Sun, 27.09.    
ZKM_Kubus 8 pm
10/7 €
Sound dome concert with works Ludger Brümmer, Claude Cadoz, Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos, Luc Döbereiner, Constantin Popp, Hans Holger Rutz, Daniel Pirrò and Iannis Zannos.

Science and Technology Network« (EASTN)

The significance of digital technologies for approaches to artistic work is rapidly increasing – from the development of artistic objects through to the possibilities of media preparation. However, the knowledge of digital technologies, both among the general public as well as among many artists, still remains relatively low. Thus, the objective of the EU project »European Art Science and Technology Network« (EASTN) is to establish open access to digital creativity: and it is through this that well-founded knowledge on current artistic developments and the technology on which it is based is mediated. Here, focus is placed on the subject of »Tangibility«: Methods and applications, which facilitate interaction with digital media via sensory stimulus and gestures with and thereby create connections between real and virtual worlds.



Marie-Kristin Meier (project coordination),Götz Dipper (music computer science), Hans Gass (event technology), Yannick Hofmann (organization, editor, documentation), Anton Kossjanenko (recording performance), Chikashi Miyama (software development / support Zirkonium), Jochen Arne Otto (translation, publications), Sebastian Schottke, Holger Stenschke (sound engineers), Bernhard Sturm (operating engineer), David Wagner (software development), Luise Wiesenmüller (organization, editor, documentation), Caroline Mössner (secretariat)

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Karlsruhe; European Art Science and Technology Network (EASTN)
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

