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We are Family! 2010

Family Day at ZKM

Sun, October 03, 2010 11:00 am CEST

This year’s Family Day is entirely devoted to the theme of technology and communication. In addition to the ZKM | museums, numerous other side shows provide insights and information on contemporary art, as well as on contemporary themes in science and research.
This year marks the 100th birthday of the pioneer of information technology Konrad Zuse. In collaboration with the faculty of computer science of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technologie (KIT), the ZKM has chosen the occasion of this anniversary to highlight fascinating information technology by an exhibition and a series of accompanying lectures. These events focus on the usefulness of computer technology in everyday life. Further to the events for adults, two lectures from the KIT Children’s Uni program have been planned.
Literary events will be held in the recently extended spaces in the ZKM_Library: ZKM staff will read from works both by and on Konrad Zuse. Space and time to realize one’s own creative ideas has now been made possible by the newly opened Media Workshop of the
ZKM | Museum Communication. In the workshops old and young have the opportunity to try out the workshop’s various image and sound processing programs throughout the day, and may ask staff at Museum Communication any questions relating to the content of the lectures and workshops. In addition to be able to shoot a short film in the cartoon set, participants are given the opportunity to construct and program Lego Mindstorm NXT robots. The Karlsruhe puppet theater “marotte” invites all children from the age of four upwards to the ZKM_Media Theater: in the exciting world of pirates, the exploits of Captain Knitterbart and his crew can be followed in their search of Red Bill’s gold. Short improvised interventions with AKZENT- Improvisationstheater [Theater of Improvisation] – the youth club of the Baden State Theater – and Tanztheater Gabriela Lang [The Gabriela Lang Dance Theater] will take place as little surprises in the ZKM | Museums. Whoever wishes to make his or her own contribution to this work of art may either add a new composition to the light installation CHROMA_PAINT, by media artist rosalie at the ZKM_Foyer, or visit Wetterstation 2030 [Weather Station 2030] by performance artist Gabriele Sturm at the ZKM_Media Library. In Felix Groß’s Portrait_Atelier, located in the HfG atrium, one may watch the Karlsruhe photographer while at work, and have one’s own or family portrait taken. One may explore current ZKM exhibitions either alone, be visited by joining one of the guided tours or be examined by way of questions in the museum journey of discovery. During their ramble through the museums children and youth are invited to take a break in the lounge ot the atrium 4 with students of the HfG, to view student’s video work, to talk about art and enjoy lemonade and pretzels.

(Actions) and Guides through the Exhibitions

Meeting point and registration at the Guide Desk in the ZKM_Foyer
Duration 30 min. Free tickets for the events in the ZKM_Media Theater may be obtained at the Information Desk.

Museum journey of discovery for children and youth by the ZKM,11 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

Captain Knitterbart puppet theater “marotte”. For children from 4 years upwards, ZKM_Media Theater, 11 a.m.

Opening of the media workshop at the ZKM | Museum Communication
A sample of the computer workshop for children, youth and adults in the new ZKM_Media Workshop, on the 2nd floor.
“You, Me and It”, image processing on the computer, 11 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
“Sound”, sound processing on the computer, 2:30 p.m.–6 p.m.
“It Moves Like This” – how is a cartoon produced? 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
“robot_moves” with Lego Mindstorms NXT, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.

Fascinating Information Technology –
On the 100th Birthday of Konrad Zuse
A Journey of Discovery in the World of Computers on the
ZKM_Museum Balcony, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Lectures at the ZKM_Media Theater:
KIT Children’s Uni: “On the Nature of Learning “ for 8–12 year-olds,
Dr. Sanaz Mostaghim, 2 p.m.
KIT Children’s Uni: “How Dinosaurs Learn to Walk Again and
Other Secrets on the Computer” for 8–12 year-olds, Prof. Dr. Ralf
Reussner, 3 p.m.
“The Origin of the Computer” Prof. Dr. Horst Zuse, 4 p.m.
“Computergraphics? Everywhere!” Prof. Dr. Carsten Dachsbacher,
5 p.m.

Zuse literary staff at the ZKM read from the works by and about Konrad Zuse in the recently extended spaces of the ZKM_Library, 3 p.m.

Felix Groß’s Portrait_Atelier the Karlsruhe photographer brings his photographic studio to the HfG atrium, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.

Exchange of Words in the exhibition AKZENT-Improvisationstheater – Jugendclub des Badischen Staatstheaters [Theater of Improvisation – Youth Club of the Baden State Theater] and the Tanzhteater Gabriela Lang [The Gabriela Lang Dance Theater]

CHROMA_PAINT Interactive light art by rosalie and Jens Barth
ZKM_Foyer, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.

Weather Station 2030 Gabriele Sturm presents her performative installation, at the ZKM_Media Library, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.

Video art/Break/Lounge from ASTA at the HfG HfG_Atrium 4,
11 a.m.–6 p.m.

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM ; Städtische Galerie
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

