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Archaeology of the Present

Documentary films by Frederick Baker

Wed, October 22, 2003 4:00 pm CEST

Lecture Hall

Frederick Baker was born in Salzburg in 1965. He studied Anthropology and Archaeology in Cambridge, Sheffield and Tübingen. Frederick Baker has worked as a freelance director for the BBC and ORF since 1994. He has won three international film director’s prizes, including the Golden Hugo in Chicago, the Tech Film Grand Prix and the Golden Gate Award in San Francisco. Among his publications are Frederick Baker & Norman Foster, »The Reichstag Graffiti«, Jovis Verlag Berlin 2003 and Frederick Baker & Elisabeth Boyer, »Wiener Wandertage: eine Dokumentation«, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt 2002. 

"For me documentary films are like archaeological excavations, a search for the images behind the images. My archaeological studies and participation in digs have left their mark on my work as a director. In my films I express my fascination with diversity. Generating various voices and moods enables me to contrast different images and words. The antonym helps to explain the present".


16.00 hrs :: Art and Politics

»Stalin Red God« [GB, 2001, 58 min, English (BBC Arena / ORF / RM Arts)]
The film portrays communism as a religion, a journey from Stalin’s childhood in Georgia to the children of today. Winner of the Golden Gate Award at the San Francisco International Film Festival [USA] and the Best Documentary Award at the Academia Festival in Olomouc [Czech Republic]. 

»Widerstand & Erosion« [Austria 05 2000, GB, 2001, 15 min., English / German (Media Europa)]
A Zeitsprung Film on anti-Haider graffiti und demonstrations in Vienna. Special mentions at the Ann Arbor Film Festival [USA] and FIKE Evora [Portugal].


18.00 hrs :: Art and Religion

»Imagine, IMAGINE« [GB, 2003, 90 min., English (BBC Arena / ORF)]
Just imagine Zen met rock n’ roll when John met Yoko. A brand-new film about the inspiration that flowed from John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s song »Imagine« and how it influenced love and hate all over the world. Film with Yoko Ono, Klaus Voormann and new archive material from John and Yoko’s studio in London in 1969.

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ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

