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Digitale Transformation. Die Kunst des modernen Arbeitslebens

© Microsoft
Digitale Transformation. Die Kunst des modernen Arbeitslebens
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»Digitale Transformation. Die Kunst des modernen Arbeitslebens«
Presentation of ideas for modern and forward-looking IT workplace models
Microsoft Surface Hub, Microsoft Studio, Microsoft Surface Book, Microsoft Hololens
With the kind support of Microsoft


At the exhibition from October 20, 2017 to August 5, 2018

AppSphere AG was far ahead of its time when it was founded in 2010. The company's stated goal was to establish modern styles of working at corporations and in medium-to-large companies. This is to enable companies to operate better on the market through increased efficiency, as well as to enable employees to perform their daily tasks with greater flexibility and less dependence on specific hours and locations. Achieving this requires modern technology so that the digital transformation away from the analogue and toward a modern office succeeds. Cloud computing, Internet access, and the adaptation of infrastructure and applications, as well as hardware such as the Microsoft Surface Hub for conferences that provide eye contact even across great distances and Microsoft Studio for digital design and sharing, are all components that help achieve this goal.

At the »Open Codes« exhibition, AppSphere AG is presenting »Digitale Transformation. Die Kunst des modernen Arbeitslebens« [Digital transformation: The art of modern working life]. Visitors can get a sense of the new working environments that the digital transformation brings in its wake. These new workplaces also generate material for discussion: Does 24/7 availability bring people additional stress or does it make work easier? Do clear boundaries between work and the office make things easier or more difficult?


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

