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Le temps s’ouvre – The opening of time

Electronic Music Festival

Thu, September 26 – Sun, September 29, 2024

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, design: Caro Mikalef*
Lecture Hall

Get your tickets now for Concert II: IEMA »Quantensprünge Revisited«

Admission is free for all other program points!

The electronic music festival »Le temps s’ouvre – The Opening of Time« marks composer and music curator Ludger Brümmer’s farewell after 30 years at ZKM. "The Opening of Time" is a metaphor describing the passing and changing of time on a personal and on a universal level. The festival begins with a concert showcasing compositions by Ludger Brümmer. Guests include the International Ensemble Modern Academy (IEMA) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik (DEGEM – German Society for Electroacoustic Music).   

Ludger Brümmer first came to the ZKM as a visiting artist in 1993. Since 2003, he has headed the ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics and later the ZKM | Hertz-Laboratory (now Hertzlab). As he retires from this position, he will once again assume the role of visiting artist in order to continue his work as a composer and producer at the ZKM studios.

The festival begins and ends with concerts on Thursday evening and Sunday evening which will feature audiovisual pieces and spatial audio works by Brümmer, as well as a composition by his close friend and colleague Michael Edwards, whom he first met during their formative years at Stanford University.

On Friday evening, we will welcome the International Ensemble Modern Academy from Frankfurt and their presentation of works by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Wolfgang Rihm, Ricardo Eizirik, and Stephan Winkler. From 2005 to 2017, IEMA played approximately 60 concerts at the ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics. During those years, the 12 cohorts of Academy participants presented a wide variety of modern classics and contemporary music with and without electronic components in virtuosic and artful performances.

The festival will also feature presentations of positions in contemporary composition from the German Society for Electroacoustic Music (DEGEM). A symposium titled »Futurism. Perspectives on Emerging Forms of Experimental Music« will explore various topics surrounding Artificial Intelligence, as well as the latest developments in the field of spatial audio. During the festival, Ludger Brümmer will receive the Honorary Award of the German Record Critics’ Award association for his CDs »Spheres of Resonance« (2022) and »Sonic Patterns« (2023), both available from WERGO. Christoph von Blumröder will also be presenting his latest volume, »Komposition und Musikwissenschaft im Dialog IX (2013–2018): Begegnungen mit Ludger Brümmer und Hans Tutschku« [Composition and Musicology in Dialog IX (2013–2018): Encounters with Ludger Brümmer and Hans Tutschku], much of which is dedicated to Brümmer’s oeuvre.

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EN Programm
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EN Programm Musik

An overview of the program


  1. Admin Title
    26.9.24, 8 pm, Kubus, Concert I: Ludger Brümmer »Phantasmen«

    Concert I: Ludger Brümmer »Phantasmen«

    free of charge

    Date: 26.9.24
    Time: 8 pm
    Location: Kubus

    »Spheres of Resonance«, (2015), multichannel fixed media, 23’

    »De la Nuit«, (1999), multichannel fixed media, 18’17’’

    »Glasharfe«, (2007), 4-channel fixed media, 19’

    - Break - 

    »Gesualdo«, (2003), 4-channel fixed media, 19’42’’

    »Opus II. Etuden zu Walter Ruttmans gleichnamigem Film«, (2007), 4-channel fixed media and video, 2‘54‘‘

    »Speed«, (2009), 4-channel fixed media and video, 7’31’’

    »Nyx«, (2001), multichannel fixed media, 27’50’’

  2. Admin Title
    27.9.24, 8 pm, Kubus, Concert II: IEMA »Quantensprünge Revisited«

    Concert II: IEMA »Quantensprünge Revisited«

    Advance sale tickets and at the box office

    Date: 27.9.24
    Time: 8 pm
    Location: Kubus

    Karlheinz Stockhausen »Kurzwellen«, (1968), for 6 players, ca. 30‘ – 40‘ 

    Wolfgang Rihm »Verzeichnung – Studien«, (1986), for viola, cello and double bass, 8‘

    - Break - 

    Nina Šenk: »...da kehrte die Ruhe ein...« (2020) for horn, trumpet and trombone, 6‘

    Ricardo Eizirik »Junkyard Piece III«, (2020), for a minimum of 8 performers, 9’

    Stephan Winkler »Überraschung«, (2015), for seven instruments, electronics and video, 14‘

  3. Admin Title
    28.9.24, 12 pm, Kubus, Symposium

    Symposium: »Futurisms. Perspectives on Emerging Forms of Experimental Music«

    free of charge

    Date: 28.9.24
    Time: 12 pm
    Location: Lecture Hall

    12 pm 
    Introduction by Miriam Akkermann and Nicola L. Hein

    12:30 pm – 2 pm 
    Lectures »Futurisms I. From Now to Tomorrow | Emergence and Experiment«
    Christoph Seibert »Über Musik, Daten und darüber hinaus (On Music, Data and Beyond)«
    Michael Edwards »Learning to Forget the Past; Yearning to Forget the Future«
    Anna Schürmer »Futuring«

    Miriam Akkermann

    2:15 pm – 3:30 pm 
    Panel Discussion »Futurisms II. Studios for Electronic Music and Beyond«
    Impulses and Discussions by and with Svetlana Maraš, Teresa Carrasco and Ludger Brümmer

    Nicola L. Hein

    4 pm – 5:30 pm 
    Lectures »Futurisms III. Performativity, Telematics, Technology and the Human«
    Alexandra Murray-Leslie »Uploading the Human: The Intersection of Telematics, Audiovisual Art and Pop Music in Cross Cultural Collaboration«
    Rama Gottfried »Animism and Digital Expression: Exploring Human-Object Relations Through Performance and Scenographic Composition«
    George Lewis »Spooky Interaction at a Distance: Telematic Afrofuturism«

    Nicola L. Hein

    5:45 pm – 6:30 pm 
    Concluding discussion with the audience and speakers

    Miriam Akkermann

  4. Admin Title
    28.9.24, 8 pm, Kubus, Concert III: Annual concert DEGEM »Elektroakustische Musik - die Vielfältige«

    Concert III: Annual concert DEGEM »Elektroakustische Musik - die Vielfältige«

    free of charge

    Date: 28.9.24
    Time: 8 pm
    Location: Kubus

    Clemens von Reusner »REEHD«, (2022), 8-channel fixed audio Ambisonics, 7′11′′

    Gerald Eckert »Verschränkung - ins Offene II«, (2024), stereo on 4-channel fixed audio, 9′34′′

    Javier Alejandro Garavaglia »QUANTIC LANDSCAPE«, (2023), fixed audio 48.2, 10′09′′

    Jan Jacob Hofmann »Oscillation of Life«, (2023), fixed audio Ambisonics, version for Klangdom, 10′44′′

    Nicola Leonard Hein »Twisted Circuits | Rhythm Traces«, (2024), live performance for synthesizer and live electronics 49.4, max. 15′

    - Break -

    Awarding of the Honorary Prize of the German Record Critics’ Award to Ludger Brümmer

    Ludger Brümmer »Deconstructing Double District«, (2011), fixed media and video, 4’50’’

    Hyewon Son »Re-«, (2024), fixed audio  7.1, 12′56′′

    Claudia Robles-Angel »somewhere... nowhere«, (2023), fixed audio Ambisonics  43.1, 10′45′′

    Tim Helbig »ephemeral realities (moments)«, (2023), solo performance for experimental instruments and multichannel live electronics, ca. 11′

    Hiromi Ishii »Ryojinfu«, (2013), 3D fixed audio, version for Klangdom and Zirkonium, 10′09′′


    Curated by Ludger Brümmer, Artemi-Maria Gioti and Viola Yip.

  5. Admin Title
    29.9.24, 7 pm, Kubus, Concert IV: Ludger Brümmer »Antichambre«

    Concert IV: Ludger Brümmer »Antichambre«

    free of charge

    Date: 29.9.24
    Time: 7 pm
    Location: Kubus

    »Xronos«, (2002), 4-channel fixed media and video triptych, 18’

    »Between Twilight«, (2019), multichannel version for 5 MIDI grand pianos, 19‘35‘’

    »Nesub«, (2009), 2-channel fixed media, 3’40’’

    »Amazonas. In Erwartung der Tauglichkeit einer rationalen Methode zur Lösung des Klimaproblems« - Part 1, (2010), multichannel fixed media and video, 18‘

    - Break - 

    Michael Edwards »HOTPO«, (2020), for alto saxophone and computer, 10’40’’

    »Shine«, (2007), 4-channel fixed media and video, 19’48‘‘

    »Falling«, (2020), multichannel fixed media, 25’


*The graphic was created as part of the EASTN-DC project, co-financed by the "Creative Europe" funding program of the European Union. 

Accompanying program



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

