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Privacy statement

App: experience_zkm

Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: mod_text_text / GPC_ID: 95325
Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 4161
flex-row-9-3 reverse

Data protection notice

Your consent
By installing the app, you consent to data processing in accordance with the conditions set out below. This consent forms the legal basis for the processing of your data, which we store only in a pseudonymised form if needs be. You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by uninstalling the app from your device.

Information about ZKM for you
The experience_zkm app is used to provide you with information (content) in connection with ZKM, whether about exhibitions, events or similar. We do not require any information concerning you as an identified person for this and we therefore endeavour not to collect any personal details.

Opportunities for analysis and improvement for us
We only collect and use anonymised and pseudonymised data concerning the use of the app in order to improve the app and to develop it to be more needs-oriented. It is therefore possible, for example, to see how often or in what order individual functions of the app or content (including video or audio recordings) were accessed by a user or at what point they stopped using the app. In the process, pseudonymised profiles, which we use to analyse the usage behaviour for the duration of a visit, are created. The data is not passed on to external third parties.

Our responsibility
No conclusions are drawn by us regarding a concrete person, i.e. Your identity. Insofar as (pseudonymous) data collected by us nevertheless has an indirect personal connection, we, the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, are responsible for compliance with the data protection regulations. Here, we comply with the national data protection regulations as well as those of the European Union.

Access permissions
The app requires so-called access permissions in order to offer you various functions. At the beginning of app use and, if these were not yet granted, when accessing the relevant functions, we request that you grant the respective access permissions required. You can see which permissions you have granted in the app settings on the operating system for your device. In particular, we request that you grant the app access to the functions and data categories set out below:

Camera data
Image sequences recorded by your camera are not communicated to our server, even if you have granted the app access to your camera. This access is simply used to overlay the ZKM content over the background of the field of view which it records. If image sequences thus recorded should nevertheless be communicated to our server, you will be asked to give permission for this separately.

Location data
Our offering includes so-called location-based services with which we offer you special functions which are tailored to your actual location. This includes displaying location-specific content in your app.

In order to be able to offer you these app functions, your location data using GPS and your IP address are communicated to our server in some instances, but only if you
1. use the appropriate functions, and
2. grant us the access permissions for this as described above.
You can allow or retract this communication of location data in the app settings or your operating system settings at any time. In addition, if you have granted these permissions, the app only has access to your location when you have it open. It is therefore not possible under any circumstances to generate a movement profile using your communicated locations.
Depending on the function selected, the route to ZKM is shown as a result or is checked to see whether your location corresponds to the location of a specific object (work of art, sculpture or similar) in order to provide you with appropriate online content (in the form of text information or other media) about the object if this is the case.

Usage data for points of interest
When you access online content about specific objects (works of art, sculptures or similar) which are located in a specific place (point of interest), these retrievals are saved in pseudonymised form if needs be in order to allow us to optimise our offering. This information also allows conclusions regarding your location when accessing the information to be drawn with a certain degree of probability since such data is generally accessed at the point of interest. However, it is generally also possible to access the content from further away from the point of interest, meaning that this does not allow for the generation of a reliable movement profile.

Offline and online content
The app should provide you with information in connection with ZKM which is as up-to-date as possible and is often also location-related. The app therefore only has so-called offline content, which you can use without connecting your device to the internet, to a certain extent. Much of the information available through the app is online content, for which your device needs to be connected to the internet accordingly.
In the event of use of online content, there is a secure data exchange between your device and our servers. In the process, the following information may be communicated to our servers by your device:

IP address
Date and time of the request
Time zone difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Content of the request (concrete page)
Access status/HTTP status code
Volume of data transmitted in each case
Website from which the request originates
Operating system and its interface
Browser software language and version

Only such data as is required to establish the connection between our server and your device or to provide the app functions is communicated. The current IP address of your device, communication of which is required for connection, is deleted or shortened sufficiently that it can at least be considered to be anonymised immediately after the connection is terminated.
In addition, if you have granted the appropriate permission, your location data is communicated as described.

Data security
We maintain up-to-date technical measures in order to ensure data security, in particular for the protection of data which you enter or which is sent by your device against risks during data transmission and against third parties gaining knowledge of it. These measures are adapted according to the state of the art.

Downloading the app from the store
When downloading the app, the information required for this, i.e. in particular the username, email address and customer number for your account, time of download, payment information where applicable and the unique device code, are communicated to the app store. However, we have no influence over this data collection and are not responsible for it.

Storage and deletion periods
All data which we collect online will be deleted once analysis is completed, and after a period of two years from collection at the latest. Uninstalling the app from your device does not result in shortening of this period. Absolute anonymisation can also occur at the time of deletion.

Limitation of liability

Liability for our own content
The content of this app has been generated with the greatest care to the best of our knowledge. However, we can assume no liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the content. In accordance with §7 Para.1 of the TMG [German Telemedia Act], as a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with general law. In accordance with §8 to §10 of the TMG, we are not required as a service provider to monitor third party information which is transmitted or saved or to investigate circumstances which indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general law remain unaffected by this. However, liability for this is only possible from the time at which a concrete legal violation is recognised. In the event that we become aware of legal violations, we will remove the affected content immediately.

Limitation of liability for external links
The app may contain links to external apps, services or websites from third parties, for example for navigating to ZKM. We have no influence over the content of these directly or indirectly linked apps, services or websites. We can therefore assume no liability for the correctness of the linked content. The respective providers or operators of the linked apps, services or websites are responsible for the content under the external links.

The external links were examined for any possible legal violations and were free from manifestly illegal content at the time of linking. Continuous monitoring of external links is not possible without a concrete indication of a legal violation. We can only be held liable for direct or indirect links to third party apps, services or websites which fall outside our field of responsibility if we were aware of the content and we were in a position to and had the technical capacity to prevent the use of illegal content. If we become aware of a legal violation, we remove the external link immediately.

The content and works published in this app are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, adaptation, dissemination and any type of exploitation of the intellectual property outside the limits of copyright law require prior written permission from the respective author under copyright law. If content in our app is not created by us, the third party copyright must be observed. In the event that we become aware of copyright violations, we will remove the affected content immediately.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

