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Inspiration: die Zukunftsarena

#innovationsland Deutschland

Fri, April 16, 2021 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm CEST


As part of the BMBF's »Zukunftsarena«, ZKM is participating with a live talk and a workshop on the topic of »The Future of Cultural Institutions«.

Innovation needs friction, exchange and collaboration – that is the central motif of »Inspiration: die Zukunftsarena«. On April 15 and 16, 2021, experts from a wide range of disciplines will join Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek MdB at the online innovation event organized by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to discuss issues that affect us in the #innovationsland Germany.

The aim of the event is to make the topic of innovation approachable and accessible – and to motivate people to emulate it. The Zukunftsarena offers a two-day platform for intensive exchange in various digital formats to get people talking to each other – for more optimism about the future, courage and willingness to change in Germany.

The Zukunftsarena is part of the dialog and information campaign #innovationsland Deutschland, in which the BMBF makes innovative minds and stories visible. Their stories give courage – courage to become innovative and creative yourself.

The events are held in German.


Impulse & Conversation | The Intelligent Museum. Prospects for a Future of Museums

3–4.30 pm, Livestream 

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D7 Paragraph: r17_video / GPC_ID: 114444

Inspiration: die Zukunftsarena

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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 114445
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Calls for a renewal of the museum have been heard for some years now. The Corona pandemic, at the latest, abruptly made us realize that the museum, hitherto conceived of in physical terms, can no longer exist on its own. The great social experiment in which we have found ourselves since the outbreak of the pandemic has forced us to rethink our culture. We have been forcibly thrust into the digital age, and no forms of production or reception will now be unaffected.

For many years, the ZKM in Karlsruhe has been working in the field of artistic as well as applied research on concepts that open up new perspectives with regard to society and thus also to cultural mediation. Concepts are developed and realized ranging from digitally enhanced communication formats beyond the local site to the smart or intelligent museum.

Three impulses from the fields of museology, technology and mediation form the prelude to a discussion with the audience. What should the museums of the future look like, what task should they fulfill, and how can they reach more people than they do today?

Barbara Kiolbassa (ZKM | Museum Communication), Yannick Hofmann (ZKM | Hertz-Lab), Dominika Szope (ZKM | Communication and Marketing)


Workshop | Transformation of Cultural Institutions – Rethinking Possibility Spaces 

4.30–6.30 Uhr, via Zoom

120 Min, max. 12 participants, from 14 years up

The analog and the digital influence each other: What new functions must the spaces of cultural institutions fulfill as places of the public? How do visitors want to use (new) spaces? What habits do we have in dealing with analog spaces and how can we adapt them to the needs of the digital society?

In this interactive workshop we start a creative mind game with the aim of imagining new innovation spaces. Together we will ask what spaces of action and possibility are conceivable and desirable for the future of cultural institutions.

Workshop conductor
Sabine Faller (ZKM | Museum Communication)

Digital requirements: Stable internet connection, video conferencing capability (camera and microphone). The workshop will take place online via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent on the day of the workshop.

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

