BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

#Female Pleasure

Filmscreening and Discussion

Thu, March 12, 2020 6:30 pm CET

© Mons Veneris Films GmbH
Lecture Hall

The film »#Female Pleasure« accompanies five courageous, strong and clever women from the five world religions and shows their successful, risky fight for a self-determined female sexuality and for an equal and respectful cooperation between the sexes.

With incredible strength and positive energy, Deborah Feldman, Leyla Hussein, Rokudenashiko, Doris Wagner and Vithika Yadav are fighting for sexual liberation and autonomy for women, beyond religious rules and cultural barriers. But their victory comes at a high price: they all have experienced public defamation, threats and prosecutions, have been excommunicated by the society they grew up in and even received death threats by religious leaders and fanatics. #FEMALE PLEASURE shows the universal mechanisms at work that determine the position of women until today, spanning cultures, religions and continents: from Japan and India and the Somali Muslim diaspora to the Hasidic community in Brooklyn and the Catholic clergy in Europe. All protagonists have come to the same conclusion: the female body is subjected to male lust and first and foremost meant for procreation, without any regard for female sexual pleasure and autonomy. These women decided to speak up and are the ultimate example on how courage, strength and zest for life can indeed alter societal structures.

After the film there will be a discussion with the director Barbara Miller. Afterwards, there will be a champagne reception where the participants will have the opportunity for discussion and networking.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Karlsruhe and the International Meeting Center (ibz) in cooperation with the ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

