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Between self-determination and external use

Security in digital infrastructures

Thu, November 29, 2018 10:00 am – 7:00 pm CET

Media Theater

The conference »Between self-determination and external use – security in digital infrastructures« on November 29, 2018, at ZKM | Karlsruhe takes up the topic of security in digital infrastructures from different perspectives.

The collection and exchange of data has increased – not only in the private sector. Both are increasingly the focus of numerous new technologies and, above all, new business models. The Facebook data scandal including the hearing before the US Congress in April and the European Basic Data Protection Regulation in May of this year have made us aware of this again. Informational self-determination, personal freedom and the protection of privacy are anchored in the Basic Law. However, increasing digitalization makes it necessary to deal with risks, possibilities and new security strategies in order not to be at the mercy of third party use.

What basic understanding of digital security is necessary in order to deal better with one's own and other people's data? In which areas do we need more transparency, what does the state do? How does law and constitutional law meet the challenges and what strategies and solutions are being developed by business? How freely do cultural workers deal with digitization? Or do they show alternative thinking strategies? Looking to Estonia and the (im)possibilities of the future, the range of challenges is extended and the right prioritisation and cooperation of all actors is demanded.



10:00 amGreeting speech and appreciation
20 years of Karlsruhe Forum e.V.
Dr. Frank Mentrup
10:10 amWelcome and introduction.Prof. Peter Weibel
10:30 amDigital security: what matters.Dr. Constanze Kurz
11:15 amLegal and constitutional core
issues of digital security.
Prof. Dr. Klaus F.
11:45 amDiscussion 
12:15 pmRisks and opportunities
of digital structures in energy
and water management.
Eberhard Oehler
1:00 pmDigital security as a
government task.
Dr. Gerhard
1:45 pmDiscussion 
2:15 pmLunch Break 
3:00 pmArtists as hackers. Strategies
of technical subversion and
infiltration in media and net art.
Prof. Tilman
3:45 pmArtists, codes and algorithms:
Works from »Open Codes«.
Alex Wenger,
Max-Gerd Retzlaff,
Bernd Lintermann,
Felix Held,
Clemens Wallrath
4:30 pmCoffee Break 
5:00 pmDigital security in Estonia and
Europe – strategies, cooperation
and results.
Luukas Ilves
5:30 pmDigital security as a limit for
open research and new digital
Christian Lölkes
6:00 pmFinal discussion with all speakers.Moderation:
Dr. Susanne Asche
7:00 pmEnd of the event. 


Organizing Organization / Institution

A symposium of the Karlsruher Forum in cooperation with the ZKM | Karlsruhe and the Cultural Office Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

