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Gilles Gobeil

Sous l’écorce des pierres – promenade

Sat, August 12, 2017 8:00 pm CEST

© Isabelle Gardner

Acousmatic works interpreted by Canadian composer Gilles Gobeil

After a three-week residence at the ZKM | IMA, the Canadian composer of acousmatic music Gilles Gobeil will be presenting electroacoustic works at the Sound Dome. Known for works that follow the »cinéma pour l'oreille« approach, he will develop the interpretation of one of his latest works »Sous l’écorce des pierres – promenade« (2016/17) for the Sound Dome. Based on sound recordings by Folkmar Hein, the head emeritus of the Electronic Studios of the Technical University of Berlin, it deals with the possibility of gradually modifiable sound perception. Gobeil will premiere it at the ZKM_Cube, together with some of his other works, like a composition dedicated to Swiss sculptor and composer Oscar Wiggli who died in 2016.


Gilles Gobeil»Les lointains noirs et rouges« (2008–09)10'44''
Vanessa Massera»Éclats de feux« (2016)10'08''
Gilles Gobeil»La vie se repose«  (2017)9'05''
James Surgenor»Twist and turn« (2016)11'08''
Mario Rodrigue»Fluctuation quantique« (2014)8'36''
Gilles Gobeil»Sous l’écorce des pierres – promenade« (2016–17)14'21''
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

