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GLOBALE: Your Word for Human Rights

The Long Night of Reading at the ZKM

Sat, October 31, 2015 6:00 pm CET

At last year’s »Long Night of Reading«, amnesty international invited prominent citizens of Karlsruhe, actors from the Badisches Staatstheater, and other interested guests to speak out against racism. This year the readers are supporting human rights.
The event thus centers around a focal issue present in many forms throughout the duration of the GLOBALE – starting with Tribunal (June 19–21, 2015), a trial of the crimes against humanity that took place in the twentieth century, and continuing with the Writers for Freedom reading series and various film screenings, right through to the official naming of the ZKM_Forecourt as the »Square of Human Rights« – a place that, through its vicinity to the ZKM and the Office of the German Attorney General, unites art, culture, and justice; while also granting the citizens of Karlsruhe another public space specially devoted to fundamental and other human rights – supplementing the Square of Fundamental Rights,  dedicated in 2005.

Guests at the Long Night of Reading can look forward not only to an evening of literature, but also – like last year – to multi-faceted musical accompaniment.


8 pm Peter Weibel (ZKM) and
Catherine Devaux (Amnesty International)
8:10 pm Peter Weibel
G. F. Lessing: »Nathan der Weise«
8:20 pm Maximilian Grünewald
Badisches Staatstheater
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: »Blutiges Spanien«
8:30 pm Elena Tscheuschner Fjodor Dostojewski: »Arme Leute«
8:35 pm Claus Temps
Head of the Cultural Office of the City of Karlsruhe
Bertolt Brecht: »Svendborger Gedichte«
8:45 pm Dr. med. Thomas Thürauf
Chief doctor of the Clinic for Cardiology St. Rochus Kliniken Bad Schonborn
Texts by Albert Schweitzer
8:55 Uhr Aliz Müller
Head of the Anti-Discrimination Unit at the Human Rights Center Karlsruhe
Poems by Urs Fiechtner & Victoria B. Robinson
9 pm Dr. Martina Hofmann
Project manager of the series »Writers for Freedom« (ZKM)
Texts by Raif Badawi
9:10 Uhr Nandita Kumar
Artist of the exhibition »Exo-Evolution«
Poems and quotations by Arunhati Roy
9:15 pm Jagoda Szmytka
Guest artist at the ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics
Wislawa Szymborska: »Hunger Camp At Jaslo«
9:20 pm Dr. Franz Littmann
Literarische Gesellschaft Karlsruhe [Literary Society]
J. P. Hebel: »Die Juden«
210 pm Heinz Fenrich
Former mayor
Poems by Liao Yiwu, Shu Ting and Selam Kidane
10:10 pm Gregory Darcy
Director ad choreographer
Heinrich Heine: »Die Loreley«
10:15 pm Renate Schweizer
J. W. Goethe: »Märchen«
10:25 pm Sascha Tuxhorn
Badisches Staatstheater
Giorgio Agamben: »Homo sacer«
10:35 pm Dr. Thomas Schalla
Dean of the Evangelical Church Karlsruhe
Navid Kermanis: Thank you speech for the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade
10:45 pm Christiane Riedel
Managing director ZKM
Vietnamese poem
10:50 pm Dr. Abier Bushnaq
Amnesty International
Texts by Ahmed Marzouki and Abdelwahhab Azzawi

Organizing Organization / Institution

Amnesty International Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

