BS DC Import ID
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Cinema for the Ear

Thu, June 26, 2003 7:00 pm CEST


The US music scene has long been the most successful and fascinating in the field of acousmatic music. At the center of this vibrant community is its founder, Francis Dhomont, from France, who not only produced world-famous compositions but at the same time also founded a new school from which a list of prize-winning composers emerged. The composers presented in this concert each developed one particular aspect of Dhormont’s tonal dramaturgical approach. Gilles Gobeil captivates with his thoroughly technoid tonal world, Robert Normandeau with his poetically rhythmical dramaturgy and Stephane Roy with his bizarre aesthetics.

All pieces, however, stand out for their masterfully designed dramaturgy, which is why the title »Cinema for the Ear« is not just to be interpreted as a visualization of sound but rather as a virtual treatment in an acoustic world. Special attention in this music is paid to the instrument it reflects. The sounds first come to life in the concert room. For this purpose the Kubus transforms itself into a Mega-Surround arena in which sound becomes a fascinating reality. In addition to the works presented in the concert, Uli Aumüller’s video introduces us to the world of ideas and thoughts of composer Francis Dhomont.


7 pm ::
»Cinema for the Ear« - A film by Uli Aumüller

8.30 pm ::
Works by Francois Dhomont, Gilles Gobeil, Robert Normandeau, and Stephane Roy

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

