The Silent Chaos of Colors
- Title
- The Silent Chaos of Colors
- Medium / Material / Technic
- Interactive video installation
Werderplatz, 76137 Karlsruhe
From September 17, 2021 until October 13, 2021
With nightfall until 10 pm
The Silent Chaos of Colors is an interactive video projection whose effect is an orgy of colors. Instead of physical colored pigments as are thrown into the air in India during the festival of Holi, digital color particles are swirled up in the work as soon as people walk past the projection screen. The silhouettes of people can be seen standing in front of it. The work seems to encourage the viewer to take part interactively with their body and form the color effects in the projection either alone or with others.
Supported by the UNESCO City of Media Arts Karlsruhe 2020 project support program for media art.
Holger Förterer
Holger Förterer (*1972) studied computer science at Karlsruhe University and in 2013 gained a diploma in media art at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HFG). Förterer combines large format projections, sound, architectonic features, fire, and more in his interactive installations. With his projections for the stage, including for the Cirque du Soleil of Montréal (CA) and the Metropolitan Opera in New York (US), he has achieved international acclaim. He lives and works in Karlsruhe.
Eva Judkins
Eva Judkins (*1978) completed her studies in communication design at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) in 2007. With Craig Judkins she runs the Electric Eel Café on Werderplatz in Karlsruhe since 2016. As a café and cultural venue with music and events, the Electric Eel shapes the cultural life of south Karlsruhe. Eva Judkins lives and works in Karlsruhe.