Sabine Schäfer
Ulrich Singer


© Sabine Schäfer und Ulrich Singer, Foto: Sabine Schäfer
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Zoologischer Stadtgarten, Karlsruhe

From September 11, 2020

»GREEN CODE«, a collaboration between Sabine Schäfer and Ulrich Singer, is a permanent garden installation with sound in the Zoologischer Stadtgarten Karlsruhe. A metal plate in the form of a QR code lies on the ground, the arrangement of pixels draws the contours of a butterfly for the human eye: visitors can scan the code shown on the panel with smartphones which guides them to a website with regularly changing sound compositions. With a »microscopic view« Schäfer and Singer introduce the audience to the sound microcosm of insect voices. Grass grows in the gaps of the QR code and gradually covers the code completely; when mowed, the process starts all over again.

»GREEN CODE« was selected for the »Seasons of Media Arts« 2020 by ZKM | Karlsruhe.

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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 12598
flex-row-9-3 reverse

Sabine Schäfer

Sabine Schäfer (*1957) is a media artist and composer. She develops multimedia, computer-controlled space-sound art and interactive prints with audio QR codes as well as works with augmented reality. The micro- and macrocosm of nature is the focus of her artistic work. With the method of EndoMikroSonoScopy, she creates audio compositions that make the sound microcosm of animal voices aesthetically tangible. She often collaborates with scientists and scientific institutions, which leads to interdisciplinary artistic works. Her works are part of the collection of the ZKM and the City of Wolfsburg. She lives and works in Karlsruhe.


Ulrich Singer

Ulrich Singer (*1937) is a landscape architect. His education began with an apprenticeship at a nursery in Bayreuth, followed by studies at the Hochschule für bildende Künste Kassel (now Kunsthochschule Kassel) and the Kongelige Akademi for de Skønne Kunster Copenhagen. He worked as a freelancer for Albert Speer + Partner in Frankfurt am Main as well as in the field of planning public spaces for cities, state and federal government and as a freelance landscape architect in Karlsruhe with Jürgen Klahn. His landscape architectural works are archived in the Southwest German Archive for Architecture and Civil Engineering (SAAI). Ulrich Singer lives and works in Karlsruhe.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

